Another duo in our selection is the Lou Cantor collective, which today consists of Jozefina Chetko and Kolja Glaser. It was created in Berlin in 2011. As their biography on their website notes, their “main area of interest lies in the field of intersubjectivity and interpersonal communication,” and the objects of their work explore the interaction between media, messages and meaning, such as the phenomena of perception of works of art.

Lou Cantor is an artist collective founded in 2011 in Berlin (currently including Jozefina Chetko and Kolja Glaeser) whose main area of interest is inter-subjectivity and inter-personal communication. Lou Kantor’s practice explores the polysemic field of contemporary communication, where the medium, the message, and the meaning constantly pass into each other. In other words, Lou Kantor’s theater of action prefers what a certain French theorist called the “Empire of Signs,” and his preferred object is the enchantments imposed by the enigma of signification on the minds of the peoples of that empire. Based on the collective’s real area of research, they regularly produce readers and participate in various publications.


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